An increase in the water level on the Rhine river means that barges hauling middle distillate-type oil products – mostly gasoil/diesel – to inland destinations can now load to full capacity, according to Riverlake Barging, a brokerage. A Rhine barge loading in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp can now take on about 2.5k tons even if sailing to destinations beyond Kaub, Germany, a key bottleneck on the river Last week, barges were limited to loading about 1.7k tons in ARA if planning to sail past Kaub; river level has risen in recent days.
The Barging Team is specialized in inland barge brokerage. Based in Rotterdam, our core business is to provide an independent and transparent barge brokerage activity for mineral oils, chemicals, gas and edible oils to producers and traders.
By Jack Wittels (Bloomberg LP)